Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Friday, July 20, 2007


Wow! We had a great time on Wednesday at the water park. We got there when they opened and stayed 10 hours! It was so fun though to have so many people from church to hang out with and get to know.

When we got home from the water park that night about 9pm, the phone was ringing. My mom was calling to let me know that Emaleigh was sick. Emi had gone on Tuesday to spend a few days with her Mimi. When she left she had started to run a fever of about 101. You might recall that my kids tend to get a high fever all of a sudden for about a day and then they are fine. I let my mom know and sent Emi some meds to take if her fever made her uncomfortable. Well, by the time they made it to my moms it was 105 and she had chills. So they started the medicines. Ended up alternating Tylenol and Motrin every three hours for two days and still only got it to about 102.

Now, my mom was freaking out ready to take her to the ER. But to me, this still is no big deal. Now by day three I would have taken her to the doctor. After calming my mom down by promising her brain would not fry, I told her to just watch for any other symptoms to pop up. Well, when she was calling on Wednesday night she said Emi had been watching tv and all of a sudden started screaming her throat hurt and she wanted to come home. So....after ten hours at the water park I drove and picked up Emi. I think I finally made it home about midnight (I am so not a night person!). Of course, once she got home she never ran fever! Yesterday morning she still had no fever, but I looked in her throat and it was full of pus pockets. So I thought, strep throat. I called the doctor and ran her in about 8:45am. After arriving, the doctor looked at her throat (still no fever) and thought strep throat! The throat culture came back negative. She looked again, closer, and said that actually the pus pockets are in front of her thoat, more in the very back of her mouth. Apparently strep throat is further back. She ran some blood work, which was fine, and said that Emi has some type of virus. The sores looked they were forming small blisters and then combining into larger ones. One probably burst and this is way she had the sudden screaming fit.

She let me look at them and they look so painful! Of course with a virus there is nothing you can do, so we went home keeping her on Motrin to help with the pain.

I hate running to the doctor for every little thing! It seems to me that the less time they spend in a doctor's waiting room the less they will be sick! Have you ever thought how dirty and germy those things must be, no matter how much they clean them!!

So anyway, we have another freaky illness. No big shock there! Of course she is back at her Mimi's house.

Now, I have a horrible sunburn. I guess I thought that if I can't see my back, neither can the sun :) Tori has poison ivy from our donuts in the park before the water park, and Bri has a sunburn! If we aren't a sight!!! So we are home recovering from all of our fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day!

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