Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


This past week I was feeling completely overwhelmed. Ever have days like that? I had began to let my time with God slip into the to-do list and not the finished list. In otherwords, I skipped it. Thursday night as things were going crazy with gymnastics from 2-6 with an hour break, Bri had a swim party and William worked late, I happen to quiet down enough to hear that still small voice say "Meet me tomorrow, no excuses!" Ouch!!

As I began my Bible study that next morning, I started by calling out for His help to get the many things done that needed to be done. I am not sure what I was expecting, I think maybe to be lead to drop some things, but what happened was not what I expected! My study took me to Isaiah 30:15 "This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it." Don't you hate it when you ask a question, having what you think is a pretty good idea of the answer, and get something that blows you away! That is where I was Friday morning. As I began to pray and reflect on this I realized that I was going about this all wrong.

There is only one thing in my long to-do list that I think I should not have taken on and it will take me about a day. The rest of my list I really feel are things that are God approved tasks. My problem was that I was getting so caught up in whirlwind of my life that I neglected to take the time to be quiet and listen. I began to rely on my own abilities to organize and plan that I failed to seek His guidance and His plan.

Somewhere this weekend I heard or read these thoughts about Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." If we don't take the time to pick up the light (Bible) to guide our path, we will waste precious time stumbling around in the darkness.

Isaiah 30 said that in quietness and trust lies our strength, but we would have none of it!


Help me to find my strength in You. You will provide the energy, wisdom and strength for me to carry out Your will. Help me to remember that in order to hear Your voice, I must listen.

Forgive me for my selfishness in believing that I am able to complete Your work alone. Forgive me for wasting a precious day that You have blessed me with doing work that I committed to without consulting the Master Planner. Forgive me for talking and being so much that I fail to listen to your whisper.

Help me fall deeper in love with you with each day I live and each breath I take. You are my all, my everything. You create with Your words, You heal with Your hands and You guide with Your whisper. Help me to be the creation, the patient and the listener that you desire me to be. All is for Your glory!!


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