Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm Here:)

Just did not want anyone to think I had disappeared!! Thinks are moving along here. The girls are well, Emi has been struggling with a headache today, but she is feeling better. We are all trying to get caught up from the last three weeks of illnesses!

Frankly, I am having a pretty crummy week. I know that I am blessed, but I am pulling myself down. I know that God is working on me, but I am struggling to remain joyful during the process. Lately I feel like a selfish, sinner. I am unsure why I am dwelling on it. Maybe it is part of the process of breaking down the old self. If so, I just want to say "I GET IT!" Could be that I am choosing to dwell on it, but I don't think so. It just seems to be slapping me in the face all of the time lately.

I know that I asked Him for this and I know that it will be beautiful in the end. I just did not expect for it to go like this. I thought I would just wake up one morning and have the heart of a beautiful butterfly instead of waking up seeing the junk on the inside of the cocoon!

There are worse ways to learn these lessons, I know, but I don't think that takes away from the fact that this is hard. I am waiting for His strength to swoop in and carry me like wings of eagles....I know it is coming!

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