Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Deck The Halls...

Everyone's talk about the holidays has me really ready!! I absolutely LOVE this time of year! With all of my blog buddies sharing there Santa stories, I thought I would share ours.

William and I decided when we had kids that as soon as they asked if Santa was real we would ask them if they really are ready to know. If they said yes, then we would tell them.

Brianna asked the first time when she was around 4. We were doing grocery shopping and she just out of the blue asks me if Santa is real. I ask her if she really wants to know, she thinks for a second and says no. So we finish shopping.

The next year she asks again and again I ask her if she really wants to know. Her answer, again, is no. Finally the third year that she asks she says she really is ready to know and we tell her that we, mom and dad, play Santa, Easter Bunny, etc. She says she already knew that anyway and wants to make sure that we continue to do it.

When Tori was around 5 or 6 she asks about whether or not Santa is real. We ask her if she is really ready to know and she says yes. We tell her and she gets the biggest grin across her face. I asked her why she seemed so happy and she said it always scared her to think of some strange man coming into the house while she was asleep!

Emi asked last year and when we asked her if she was really ready to know, she said no, she wanted to play the game longer (telling me she already knew!). Even though at least two of the girls have known for quite some time, we did not stop the cookies and milk, letters to Santa, etc. They had become part of our tradition and we enjoy it!

This year we have all decided to do something different. We are foregoing Christmas presents from Santa. We will trade gifts with our extended family. We started a couple of years ago trading homemade gifts between ourselves. We usually then get up, see what Santa brought and go see a movie together. This year Santa will fill stockings only and we are trying to find a place to serve as a family Christmas morning. We may end up going to a neighborhood nursing home and visiting. We really are not sure how we will serve yet, just that we decided to do it. Of course we will then have a late lunch and go see a movie together.

I have to tell you that the relief I have felt knowing that I do not have to find gifts for the kids has been huge! I never realized how stressful it was because I enjoy doing it, but it has been great. We are trying to take the money we would have spent on gifts and find things to go and do together. Our goal is to truly enjoy the holiday and each other.

Of course my mom thinks we are going to scar the girls forever by this change. My dad thinks we are even more freaky than he already did! I must say though that the girl, William and I are very excited about it! I will let you know how it goes!

I have really enjoyed reading about whay you guys do during the holidays! Now we all just need a little snow!!

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