Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Unfailing Love

This morning I was sitting outside on my back porch spending some time alone with the Lord. I have really enjoyed doing this lately, especially now that we have a short fence and I can see the neighborhood and visit with neighbors that come out to leave for work.

Back to this morning...I was sitting there enjoying a nice breeze and watching the limbs of the willow tree move in the wind when I was just overcome with gratitude and awe of the amazing day my Lord has given me today. The sky is so sharply blue in contrast to the small, passing, white clouds. The bright green leaves of the trees and grass just makes it more amazing!

I spend such a small amount of time in my life just looking at the love that God has poured out for me each day. I get so caught up in the "stresses" of life that I have chosen to bring on myself that I too often ignore the love that is oozing, no...pouring, out for me each day!

I really wish I could describe for you the feeling that all of this gave me this morning. It was one of such amazement! I can compare it to the first time I saw the girls observe and touch a dolphin. Their excitement just made me cry. Today was like that for me, it was like seeing something so extra special for the first time!!

Now, you want to know something even more cool!!???!!! I was so thankful for this time and this gift that I decided to read a Psalm instead of my normal study. The Lord laid on my heart to read Psalm 33. You wanna know what Psalm 33 :5b says????

"the earth is full of his unfailing love."

How totally cool and fantabulous is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Father, help me to see Your love that is right in front of my eyes!!

I would love to hear from you about how you observed God's unfailing love today!!


Kim said...

Welcome back! I've missed your blogging.

I experienced God just a moment ago. I've been struggling the last few weeks with some big decisions. I've been hurt by some people I care a lot about and I have felt abandoned and alone. I got a phone call from my friend in California who said "I feel a gut wrenching need to call you today. Are you okay?" It felt good not to feel alone.

Lynn Leaming said...

Just got back into town and saw where you posted. It was good to have an update. It is so cool when we have those moments with God. I know I would have them more often if I would just be still more often. Hope you have more too!

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