Fun Questions from Lynn's Blog!!
All About Hubby
1. He’s sitting in front of the TV: what is on the screen? Nada, we don't have tv.
2. You’re out to eat. What kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Italian
3. What is one food he doesn’t like? Onions
4. You go out to the bar. What does he order? Zinfandel and a Diet Dr. Pepper
5. Where did he go to high school? Texas High in Texarkana
6. What size shoe does he wear? 8
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Old newspapers and guns
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Swiss, lettuce and tomato
9. What would the Husband eat every day if he could? Cabbage
10. What is his favorite cereal? Frosted Mini Wheat's
11. What would he never wear? speedos
12. What is his favorite sports team? not really a sports person
13. Who will he vote for? McCain
14. Who is his best friend? Me!!
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn’t do? What! You mean I'm not perfect?????
16. How many states has he lived in? 2 North Dakota and Texas
17. What is his heritage? Cherokee
18. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind? He does not like cake, so he gets banana pudding!!
19. Did he play sports in high school? Football
20. What could he spend hours doing? playing World of Warcraft
1 comment:
Thanks for posting about William, it has been fun learning about some husbands :)
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