Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Child For Sale!!!!

Naw, just kidding, but she is giving me fits!! Kalli has another skin infection or something. She woke up with a slightly swollen eyelid this morning. I think I saw two bumps, one on her lid and one below. No big deal, we have dealt with insect bites and swollen eyes before. I gave her Benedryl and on we went. By lunch it was pretty red and a bit more swollen. Now it looks like this......

The redness has spread and it is really swollen. We have done three rounds of Benedryl and it does not seem to help much, except maybe with itching. Any ideas out there??!! I guess if it is still swollen tomorrow I will take her to see her doctor. I really hate taking the girls to the doctor because doctor's offices are full of germs and sickness (of course!!). Anyway, pray it will go down and I can spend my day cleaning instead of sitting at the doctor's office!!

Just a note to say that though I don't like doctor's offices, I LOVE my girls doctor. She is outstanding! When Brianna was in the hospital with meningitis, she came up several times a day to see her, even her off day. One day she was on her way to a family gathering and still took time to stop by. She even had to bring her own daughter in with her. She dealt with my hysterics during this time and not once made me feel like she was put out. She rocks so if anyone needs a great peds doctor, let me know!!


Unknown said...

wow that is scary looking!
I would definitely get it checked out by a dr. if not better in the morning!

Unknown said...

Poor baby. I hope she gets better. Let me know how she is doing. Our prayers are for a quick recovery!

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