Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


This has been a week of friends for me! One of my best friends that lives about an hour away came and spent the week with us. She has three daughters and all the girls have such a great time together. Terri and I also have a great time. We stay up late (or at least late for me) talking and she always somehow gets me to do things that I need to do. That is the mark of a true friend!!

I have also gotten back in contact this week with a great friend of mine from when William was stationed in North Dakota. I have really enjoyed being able to email back and forth with her and start getting caught up with one anothers lives.

I have written many times about how I pray for Emaleigh a good friend from church. This week I was able to see her interact and really enjoy the company of a little girl from church! Tori has a friend that is spending the night tonight and they are going to see the new Nancy Drew movie at midnight and Brianna leaves in the morning so spend a couple of days with one of her good friends! I love friends!


Unknown said...

Friends are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I miss you - my friend!

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