Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Alive and Kicking!!

Yup, we are still here!! It has just been a crazy week with all of the girls' activities!

Tori ended up missing her entire prayer trip last weekend, but her arm is looking better. It now just looks bruised and has a little rash on it. Thanks for the prayers!

I can't believe that it is time to begin planning for school. I was going over Brianna's requirements for next year and I am overwhelmed. She is taking her Latin, logic, physical science, chemistry and geometry from outside sources so I thought that there would not be too much for me to need to do. I was wrong!! I have grammar, writing, reading, history, speech and debate, computer and Spanish!! Oy!! Then of course we have 5th grade stuff for Tori and Emi starting Kindergarten.

Well, I guess it will be fun :)...this is wishful thinking at its finest.

This coming weekend we will only have one of the girl's!! Tori leaves Friday for church camp. Brianna and Emaleigh leave on Friday to spend the weekend with my dad and step mom and family in Oklahoma. I wish that we were going with them, but I was not comfortable being so far away while Tori is at camp. So....that leaves William, Kalli and I. I am thinking I will get a lot of reading done!!

You guys can pray for Emaleigh's foot. While at my mom's this weekend, they thought she stepped on a nail and cut her foot. When I looked at it closely last night, I saw that something was still in the cut. Of course she went crazy at the thought of my digging around in her cut (completely understandable!). I explained after much screaming and crying that she had a choice. We could wait and go see Dr. the morning and let her look at it, possibly give her a little shot to numb it and dig out what was there. Or she could let me do it. I explained that all I needed to do was take tweezers and go just a little into the cut and pull out what was there. I also told her that we would hold some ice on it for a little bit to numb it some. She decided to let Dr. Mom work her magic!!

We put the ice on it for a while and then she talked to William and tried to relax while I dug around in her foot! I pulled out a piece of wood about the size of my finger-nail. She was very brave! After putting antibiotic ointment and a band aid on it, she of course needed some ice cream to take the edge off!! Pray that her foot does not get infected, as we know that we are so good at getting infections around here!

Well, we have a spilled bowl of cereal that is calling my, that is Kalli calling my name and Tori yelling that there is a spilled bowl of cereal! Gotta go!


owldog1 said...

I am tired just reading the list of Briann'a classes and I cannot believe Em will be starting Kindergarten. Oh goodness where does the time go?

Anonymous said...

Bring Kalli over here to play and have some free time all to yourself!!! My girls would LOVE taking good care of her and giving her whatever she wants! ;-)

Karen Heflin

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