Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

East to West....Casting Crowns

I heard this song last week on our way to the beach. I love how it talks about as the day begins we tend to lose our focus on God. I also completely relate to the line that says he is afraid that God will leave him as he is.

It is easy sometimes to get caught up in what we do wrong and forget that God wipes it away when He is asked to. I recently made a list of sins that I struggle with on a frequent basis. As I looked over the list I found that many of them were more my distorting gifts God has given me. For example, the ability He has given me to lead, I turn into being controlling. It caused me to think more about asking for wisdom in how to use the gifts He has given me to glorify and please Him. I hope that you are as touched by this song as I am!

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