Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Practice :)

Well, William and I had practice tonight for our 5 days together with no kiddos cruise coming up! We went out to dinner and to a movie. We ate at On the Border. We had great service, but the food was so-so. After dinner we went and saw the movie "No Reservations". We wanted a stress free, relaxing movie. It was pretty good. Definitely a chic flick and very predictable, but it was a nice movie.

It is so important once you have kids to continue to take time out of your lives to have time alone as a couple. Not only is it great for your marriage, but it is great for your kids. I think today too many kids observe how their parents put them,the kids, first and it makes for selfish kids that do not know how to have a healthy marriage.

I know that this is a really hard thing to do. It is easy when the kids come along to get so caught up in meeting their needs that you forget to meet the needs of your spouse. I am just as guilty as the next person.

How much better would our marriages and our children's life be if we eagerly anticipated our spouse walking in the door not to hand off the kids or talk about our day, but to give them a hug and a welcome and hear about their day?

1 comment:

Lori said...

Very true Kristi, I definately agree with that.

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