Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mutter, Mutter, Grumble, Grumble

I am ashamed. I have spent much of my time over the past few days muttering and grumbling about all I had to do. Was it overwhelming at times...yes. Was there much to be done...yes. Was I really exhausted...yes. Did I have reason to moan and complain? Absolutely NOT!

God tells us that...“Yet those who wait for the Lord, will gain new strength, they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah 40:31 I was not waiting on the Lord, I was relying on Kristi...again!

There are so many things that I have been blessed with in this life. Our car broke down...Thank you God for transportation. I have too much to do...Thank you God for my health that I can participate in many things. I am very tired...Thank you God that I was able to go camping with my church and stay up late visiting and having fun.

I think sometimes God gives us trials that we don't notice. I sometimes try to prepare and wait for the BIG thing so I can praise God through the storm, but I fall apart with the little things, not seeing satan prowling around and rejoicing in my failure. I know I need God for help in the big things, but I sometimes forget that I need Him in the small things as well.

Forgive my attitude of ungratefulness and selfishness. Forgive me for stepping into the same, sinful patterns over and over again. I am tired and I am overwhelmed, I need help. On my own I am crawling across this rugged ground. Pick me up, hold me, and soar with me. Take away my complaining attitude and fill me with your peace, joy and faith. Faith not in myself, Father, but in you. You are the creator, the light and You...only You are my salvation. Teach me to fly.

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