Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Quick Update!

William is at our coop classes teaching my classes, so I have to do this really quick so I can get there.

Tori is fine! Kalli, who started throwing up Sunday morning is fine as well!! Praise the Lord.

Brianna is not fine. She was still having a lot of pain in her ear, head and jaw as well as not having energy to do anything and pain in her left side. We saw the doctor today. The flushed her ear out. She has a thing about the size of half an earthworm that was growing in her ear. He said it was bacteria and puss and had attached to the side of her ear....GROSS!! After getting that out he could see her ear drum and said that the anitbiotics were not working....duh! No, seriously though, he was awesome. He changed her antibiotics, kept her on the same pain med and then we went on to discuss the other issue. He says they are not related. She is exahausted, and I mean bone tired. She can't do anything and she is having a lot of pain in her left side as well as a fever off and on. He said her spleen is enlarged so they went ahead and tested for Mono. He also did blood tests for several other things. We should know about the other blood things within 24 hours and the mono in 48. Please kep praying!

On top of this, when I went out to start the car this morning, it is completely dead. It does nothing and it is not the battery. I told Bri on the way to the doctor that having all of these little trials is kinda exciting because that means God has some awesome plans coming up that Satan is trying to stop!! She agreed.

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