Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

One of My Many Blessings!

I have shared many times on this blog how I have a deep desire to experience God in a way that I have only heard others share about. I have heard it described as thirsting for God, yearning and even a passion to just be with Him. Though I feel I have touched on this type of relationship before, I have never felt involved fully to this magnitude. I have been blessed with a daughter that does.

She longs to study His word and seek His guidance. She always finds a blessing where I see a trial. Her name means "one of great faith" and she lives that out daily. She told me the other day that she used to fear death but now anticipates it. She pointed out that whether you are 90 or 9 when you die is really irrelevant when you look at the scope of eternity. She wanted to know why she should fear going home?

I learn so much from her each day, as I do all of my children. The faith that she exhibits leaves me speechless most of the time. It is not the blind faith of a child, as she has traveled a few rough roads. It is a choice. It is a yearning, a passion. I can not even imagine the plans the God must have for her. I know that she will leave a lingering trail of faith, love and kindness wherever He leads her.

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