Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Birth Story #2

First let me say that Emi had trouble sleeping last night because of her tummy. Heather, we had her jump a little bit ago and she was a bit hesitant, but did it fine. She says this morning that it hurts worse, but she does not act as much like it. No doubling over in pain, so I think she will be fine, but I am keeping a watch on her. I am wondering if she pulled a muscle or something?? Who knows!! Crazy kid :)

Okay now onto story number 2!! This time I am pregnant with Tori. Boy I was sick!! I was taking classes at the university in town and I remember walking to class and puking on the side of the sidewalk several times, it was lovely!!

About 6 weeks before Tori was due I went for my appointment and my blood pressure was up. They did some other labs and told me that it looked like I was trying to develop preeclampsia, so to go home and watch for certain things.

I go home and the next day develp a horrible headache and I felt really bad. I called the base hospital/doctor and they said they were closed (this time I knew to expect that so I was not quite so shocked!). They told me to go into town to the hospital there. I go and they send me up to L & D. The doctor there started freaking out saying that he can't believe they sent me home and he told me that more than likely within 24 hours I would have the baby. The immediately put me on a medicine called magnezium sulfate. That is one whopper of a drug! They had to put a catheter in and would not let me out of bed. I had a nurse sitting beside me bed the entire night. William and I had no idea what was going on, I just knew that I was feeling horrible about leaving my 2 year old Brianna overnight!

The next morning they called the base hospital for my records and the base told them that they wanted me transferred back to the base. Why??? No one know! We found out later that it was a mistake. So, they transfer me by ambulance to the base. We were terrified at this point!

I arrive at the base hospital and they get me in a room. A couple of hours after getting there and seeing my nurse only once, they finally inform me that they had started me on Pitocin to induce labor. No one had even let us know! William had left to pick my mom up from the airport (she was so worried that she hopped a flight and headed up). Again I was worried I would have the baby without him being there.

They arrive back from the airport just as I started having contractions. The doctor came in and asked if I would like an epidural (they nomally would not let you have one in this hospital) and I started crying. I really had not wanted one, but I was so tired and felt so yucky from the mag I was on that I said yes. They put it in and it was great! William decided he would go to the waiting room to take a nap and I was going to try and get some sleep.

A nurse had come in and all of a sudden I felt like the baby was coming. I told her and she said that it was not, first of all I would not feel it and second, they had just checked and I had made no progress. She left and I told my mom to just glance under the blanket because I was either having the baby or had done something that would be embarrissing! She looked and Tori's head was laying on the table. She screamed down the hall for someone and they came and got Tori and she was born! William ran in the door right as they were pulling the rest of her out, God is good! I did hemmorage again with this one, but the pitocin helped and it was not as much.

Unfortunately this story does not end there and as I go on, you really are not going to believe me! I promise this is true, you can ask my mom or William!!

Tori was 6 weeks early and would not cry. They tried for 30 minutes to get her to cry before they finally decided to call the pediatrician on call (no, that is not a typo!). They ended up poking her with a needle and that got her going, but she had to go on oxygen for a while, nothing major though. Through this I started to feel funny. I can't really describe it. My tongue started to feel really dry and like it was swelling. I thought I was having trouble breathing. I told the nurse, she checked my oxygen and said I was fine. Suddenely, according to my mom, my eyes rolled back in my head and I fell back on the table and started having some type of seizure. My mom ran out in the hall...again...and called for a doctor. They decided I was having an allergic reaction to some medicine they had given me, but there were no Benedryl shots on the floor!! I could hear everyone during all of this. I remember trying to focus my eyes on a ceiling tile above me and to keep them open thinking if I closed my eyes I would die. I could not breath. The doctor kept telling me that he knew I could hear him and I would be fine. He said my body thought I could not breath, but I really could (I still don't know what that means!). I was very reassured by his talking to me. I do remember that he was telling a kid that was training that I was having a rare side effect to one of the drug and the kid said "Cool". I was not impressed with that comment!

They gave me so many drugs to stop whatever it was that was going on that I slept for the next 12 hours. I remember them bringing my mom in to see me and telling me she was really worried. They wanted me to open my eyes. I could speak so I mummbled that I was fine, but they wanted me to open my eyes. I tried really hard and I think I got one open a little bit. The next thing I remember was a nurse coming in with Tori saying that if I did not wake up and nurse her they were going to put a tube down her throat and feed her, nice huh! I really worked to wake up and feed her.

They told me that I would need to be in a private room because I was still on the mag medicine, they put me in with another lady!! One thing I have not mentioned yet was that this hospital was not equipped with a NICU or any nursery for that matter. I can't remember what it is called, but it was a level hospital that could only take babies 3 weeks early and later. I could not care for Tori yet, so I could hear the nurse wheeling her bassinet up and down the hall with her to check on the mom's, poor Tori! They let me go home two days later with Tori. She weighed 4 pounds and 6 ounces when we left and was not eating. The doctor that was on call though was a great lady who knew me from helping me to get Brianna to nurse and she thought things would go better at home. We just had to check in with her each day.

Like I said earlier, the transfer back to the base was a mistake. They never could really tell me what happened after she was born with my seizure. One doctor said it was an allergic reaction to an antinausea drug they gave me, one said it was a side effect and another said it was from the pre eclampsia. Now I always put down I am allergic to that drug just in case! Praise God we all ended up safe and at home, but it was so crazy, just a series of little mistakes, but the outcome was the same. I had my beatiful, but a bit small, little baby Tori!

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