Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Birth Story #3

Okay, number 2 was a doosey and this one doesn't compare, but I hope that you will still find it interesting and informative!

My blogging friend Kim has spoken about stirring up the pot and I may do that when I start on this story. If you think I am crazy, join the club!

We tried to get pregnant with child #3 for years! After two years I went and had some testing done. They told me I had secondary infertility and would need medical intervention to have another child. Wow! This was really unexpected. We did not know what to do so we prayed and prayed. We really both were against the intervention and felt God was leading us to this conclusion. Not because we thought it was wrong, but you have to remember, this was our third child. It would have been a different story maybe if we did not have children. Right or wrong, this is what we decided. My doctor said that I would not get pregnant without it so we moved on. I got rid of all of the baby stuff and we were happy with our two blessings.

Around six months after this happened, I was having my prayer time and God spoke to me. Yes, like the speaking where I look up and see who is talking. He said that I would become pregnant that month. You can think I am crazy now, but it was what it was. I ran and told William that he had better make sure he wanted another because God said it was coming! I told several people that God told me that and they probably all thought I had lost it! Several weeks later, tahdah...I was pregnant! We were so happy!

Skip ahead a month and I started bleeding. I went to the doctor and they ran tests and in a nutshell, they said that I needed some shots every other day and to take some medicine and even if I did that the baby only had a 50% chance of surviving. I honestly was not worried because I felt I had assurance that the baby would be fine. Pregnancy goes on...I find an awesome Christian lady to be my doctor. All is well until my preeclampsia tries to come back again.

I also have to mention that during this time we attended RE, but did not really know anyone. Melissa Smith held a baby shower for us through the church and I figured maybe a couple of people would show up because no one knew us! We had 50 people! It was not because I was some nice person they all wanted to celebrate with, it was because we have an awesome church who rallies around its body! I was blessed beyond words!

Okay, back to the preeclampsia. They decided to induce 3 weeks early to try and prevent it from going full blown. I went to the hospital, they start the pitocin and....nothing! They turn it up....nothing! They break my water....nothing. Now we were in a pickle! They broke my water so she had to come out. Her heart rate started to decel so they came and mentioned C section. Now, I know many of you have had them, but I had not and did not want to. I was terrified! I cried and cried. My wonderful, Christian doctor went out in the hall and prayed for me! Twenty minutes later Emaleigh was born! She had the cord wrapped tight around her little neck and breaking the fluid caused it to compress. They had NICU in there waiting, but they were not needed! Praise God I had another, awesome baby girl!


Kim said...

I love that story...almost as much as the one of how you met William!

Lynn Leaming said...

Aren't we thankful for believing doctors knowing where their power really comes from!!

Amberly said...

WOW! You have some great pregnancy & birth stories!

By the way, when the twins were born, I had one vaginally & the other via c-section. I would never choose to do a c-section again, if it were up to me. In fact, I went out of my way to find an OB/GYN who would perform a VBAC with Nicholas. (Many, many doctors won't do it.) Of course, I ended up having to have another c-section anyway, but that is a whole other story...

Kristi said...

Kim, you are right that is a crazy one!! I love both of those story's but at times I think it makes people uncomfortable to hear them. But I am glad someone else thinks they're neat!! I also wanted to let you know that I am glad that you posted some blogging manners on your site. It never crossed my mind to respond to comments in the comment section!!

Lynn, yes, yes, yes! She was such a blessing and so patient with me.

Amberly, some of my best friends choose to have them with each pregnancy and think I am insane for being so afraid. The thought of having someone cut me open just completely freaks me out!! You will have to tell your story now too!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristi,

I am trying to resolve wrongs from my past, and I owe you an apology. A couple of months ago, I (along with others) was asked to post to your blog, and I did. I am very sorry for that and any hurt that I may have caused you. I hope that you will accept my apology.

Kristi said...


Thank you, I appreciate that!

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