Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Quick Question :)

I need to ask you guys to pray today for me. My calf was hurting yesterday and by the time I got home it was pretty sore, but I could limp on it fine. I got up this morning and it felt much better. As I was walking from one room to the other it all of a sudden had a horrible tearing/twising pain and now I can't bear any weight on it. I have three classes to teach at coop and a ton of things to do that I can't miss. As I am seriously limping now, when I accidentally move that leg the wrong way or put too much weight on it there is a horrible, drop to the ground type of pain. Please pray that I can get through the day without hurting it more or ending up on the ground unable to get up!! That would be horribly embarassing and I have had enough of those this past week to do without another :)

Thanks guys!!


Kim said...

What? You are in this kind of pain and you are worrying about teaching? Get your butt to the doctor! TODAY! This could be fairly serious.

Have you ever had blot clots? The tearing sensation tends to make think it is not a blood clot but you still need to see a doctor. GO.

Amberly said...

Do you have any muscle rub cream? I wonder if that might help temporarily until you can figure out what in the world is happening to your leg.

Sorry... I'll say a prayer.

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