Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Saturday :)

You guys that missed M & M Mom's yesterday missed a good one!! I was so very blessed by hearing Rachel speak. And Terri gave an awesome tips talk and gave out samples!! Oh and the food was sooooo good! While I was at the meeting, William and the girls went and played games at Chuck E Cheese. He does this at least on Saturday a month. They get there at 9am when they open and play until around 10:30am when people start to arrive! We use a coupon online where they get 100 tokens for $12, so they have a blast!

When I got home, I took a 3 hour nap while William played with the girls. I was really tired as I did not sleep well the night before. William is just the best daddy and husband! The girls have a really cool, wooden playhouse out back and some of the wood on their front porch was showing some wear and tear. While I slept, he replaced their porch.

This was all followed by my mom and stepdad coming over for hamburgers and homemade ice cream! Yummy!!

Emaleigh had a rough evening. The girls are allowed one sweet treat a day and she wanted a little pack of M & M's from Chuck E Cheese. William reminded her that if she ate it she could not have ice cream tonight. She cried that she was hungry. He reminded her that there were plenty of things to eat that would not count as something sweet. She said that she would give up ice cream for the M & M's.

Well....when ice cream time rolls around Emi wanted some. We reminded her of her choice and told her no. You can imagine the distress that was displayed :) She ended up being sent to bed 30 minutes early due to the fact that she could not control herself (screaming, wailing, etc!) and still no ice cream!

This situation got me to thinking of how many times I choose the here and now, instant gratification path when God has such a better choice waiting for me if I will just be patient! And how often I choose to kick and scream when I am frustrated thus bringing on more negative consequences in my life.

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