Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Cookie Party :)

Yup, today was Cookie Party day!! I think this is my 8th cookie party. We started having this while we were living in Richardson in a tiny two bedroom apartment and the only girlies I had were Bri and Tori. I remember that we squeezed 6 people into the apartment for an awesome time!

This year we had 10! What we do is if we have 10 people, everyone brings 10 dozen of the same type of cookie, packaged by the dozen. We show up, do a fun Christmas craft, share lunch together, visit, have an ornament exchange and leave with 10 dozen different types of cookies. There is a contest to see who has the most creative packaging and boy do some of the gals that come get creative!!

I usually get my first email asking how many I plan on having or someone turning in their recipe in July!! We really have a fun time and it has become a really enjoyable tradition.

Craft tables! This year we made bottled hot chocolate mixes and albums to keep the recipes that we accumulate year after year of Christmas Cookies!!

Food Table! This year we enjoyed a cheese potato soup and rolls (yummy:).

We had a roaring fire in the fireplace (of course, I set the air conditioner on 65* so at least it would feel like winter in the house!!

And last, but not least...COOKIES!!

Have a blessed first day of Advent tomorrow!!

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