Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

When Your Up, Your Up and When Your Down, Your Down!

What a great, tiring, stressful, hard day!! Anyone confused??

Tori has worked so hard the past few months to learn a back handspring for her gymnastics competetion and tonight she was successful! Her meet is this weekend, so she pulled through!! Hooray Tori :)

I was able to meet two friends of mine tonight and enjoy 2 hours of visiting and Starbucks!! We had a great time. I am so happy to have new friends :)

Emi has had a hard day. I mentioned last week how she complained of a tummy ache and then ran a fever. She also had a touch of diarrhea. This has gone on for a week. Nothing big, I just figured she was fighting a tummy bug, but could tell that she did not feel great. Last night she seemed worse and this morning her diarrhea was worse. We decided to give her something for the diarrhea and I put a call in to the doctor to find out what to give and how much. They called back and wanted to see her. Her normal doctor was not in, so she saw the PA that works there (we have an awesome peds doctor and the PA is equally as awesome!!). He did some tapping on her tummy and sent us across the street to the hospital for some tests :(

The xray showed she had blockage in her intestine. I did not see how that could be since she had diarrhea, but apparently I was wrong! They did blood work and now we are home waiting to find out what to do. It is a pretty misserable feeling to know that your child feels yucky and to know why, but not know what to do about it! By the time we left the hospital, the doctor's office was closed so we don't know what to do except to wait until tomorrow. She has complained a lot lately of tummy aches, but never any poopy problems!! Anyway, we will see what happens, poor baby!!

So this has been an excitingly, awful day!!


owldog1 said...

I will pray all okay for Emmi and whatever they need to do is not evasive

Unknown said...

You are in our prayers

Lynn Leaming said...

Hope the docs can find a way to help Emaleigh feel much better real soon!

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