Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

I Survived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, this morning I opened my sleepy eyes, looked around and realized...I survived :) This weekend was just crazy full of stuff.

The Care Kids performance went great. I was really nervous about the fact that it was so simplified this year. In years past there were outstanding sets and props, it was longer and the music more difficult. I was worried that people would be bothered by the fact that it was so much less this year. I was worried about many little things that were really unimportant! I realized that after all the hugs I received and the excitement of the kids saying they could not wait until next year to do it again. It's not about what people think. Nor is it about whether or not I look like a dork on-stage. It is about the kids having fun and experiencing a new way to praise God together that without Care Kids they may not be able to do. It is about letting them know that they are important and they are capable of giving people a message. An important message! And this year, this was the only way I could provide that for them. Maybe in the future I will become more capable at it, but this was what it was!

I must say that I have no earthly idea how in the world Brad and Genell ever did as much as they did! Pulling off what they did in the amount of time they did, to me, is closing in on the walking on water category!!

Emaleigh looked so cute yesterday for the performance! We rolled her hair in sponge rollers the night before and she wore her little Santa dress!! Adorable :) (I'm not partial at all :)

Now to gymnastics! Tori had her first meet of the year. Her team had to compete in it, but it was a practice for them. She has 9 meets this year over four months. We are going to have a busy spring! She did outstanding with two blues and two reds. She was able to use her glasses on vault and that turned out to be her best event (usually it is her hardest until we realized that she could not see the spring board when she started her run!). She had a great time!!

This is Tori with her coach.

It was a long day for all of us! I did have an ah ha moment about the meaning of Christmas which I will share tomorrow!!! I know you can't wait!!!

Emi is heading back to the doctor today, so say a little prayer for her!!

Have a fun day :)


Anonymous said...
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Brooke said...

BTW, Shirley Broom leaned over during the program and remarked on how Emaleigh looked like Shirley Temple. I have to agree! Too cute!

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