Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Purpose of Christmas

I have been big lately on making sure that I know the purpose for things I do. With so much to do and so little time, I have found that knowing the purpose helps me to make sure that I keep my priorities straight. I need to know exactly what I am working towards so I can place it into the proper priority placement. No great organizer thing here, just survival with four kids!!

Anyway, I have been trying to nail down the purpose for Christmas. I know that when we ask someone what is the meaning of Christmas, the standard "good" answer is to say to celebrate the birth of Christ. But I also think we all agree that we should do that throughout the year anyways. Family is always a big part of Christmas, but again, it is all the time.

I wanted to know what makes Christmas different for me. I love the season. I totally love all of the traditions with my family. I love our Jesus birthday cake, nativity activities, parties, baking and fun activities. I just wanted to put words to the purpose.

While listening to the kids sing Sunday morning, I realized what it is! It is a time during the year where I can easily be different. It is kinda like the EASY button that you see on the tv commercial for Staples.

I can show people very easily during the holidays who Christ is!

How?? There are soooo many ways! I can demonstrate that it is possible to be in the world and not of it! Things are just better received during the holidays. You can bring cookies to neighbors that you have never talked to and open a door there. Giving is easier.

Have you ever thought about how easy it is during the holidays to make someones day better. Standing in line at the store where everyone is rushed, I can be different. I can let the person behind me who looks in a rush go first. I can stand out by enjoying my family during this time. I can show Christ by putting others before myself, by smiling while I shopped in a packed store, by being different.

People will see it more during this time of year because a majority of Americans are all involved in the same thing and they are stressed! They are really stressed! I can do something small to help them and it will make a bigger impact than at almost any other time of year.

The purpose of Christmas for me is to use my EASY button as often as possible and teach my children to as well!


Unknown said...

wow, very inspiring. In the last couple of years we have really simplified the holidays. I love the idea of using our "easy"button. What a wonderful way to put that. You know it is funny God works through events and people to make us see what is really important. Have a blessed day

Kim said...

Thanks Kristy! I've been trying to answer this question myself. I agree with you..although I've never thought of it this way before. I almost feel relieved. Like "Oh! So this is why I'm doing all of this".

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