Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Life Continues...In Our Typical Fashion!

Praise the Lord for this cooler weather!! I love Thursday's!! During the Christmas holiday's William would have to work late and the girls and I dubbed it Girls Day. We would have school in our pj's and that evening one of the girls would cook dinner and then we would all snuggle in to watch a movie together.

William will not be able to join us, but we have decided to keep this, at least 2 Thursday's a month. We are calling it Christmas Thursday! We will do no additional activities on this day. No phone calls or running around. We get to stay in pj's all day and then snuggle in for a movie and fun that evening. We have always had family night on Friday nights with pizza and movie or games, and that will continue, but Thursday feels different! Maybe it is the fact that we still run around on Fridays??!!

Anyways...William, Bri and Tori went yesterday to Texarkana to visit his grandmom in the hospital. When he walked in the door after the trip home the phone rang and it was his brother. His other grandmother had a stroke and was in the other hospital in Texarkana! Typical us!! Then last night after church Brianna got sick to her stomach and started throwing up :)

Brianna is fine this morning. I think she must have eaten something that did not agree with her. Sometimes I honestly have to laugh when stuff just keeps piling up! Praise God that we don't have to carry ourselves through life when things get rough!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Can I come visit today in my pj's? I'll bring a good movie and some potato candy!!

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