Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Yup, The Holidays are Over!!

Oh yes sir, we are back to "typical" life around here. My poor little freaky family :)

Took the girls to the dentist today for their cleanings! No cavities (of course except for my poor Emi). This was Kalli's 2nd visit to the dentist. She let them do the full cleaning!! Have I mentioned they have an AWESOME pediatric dentist???

They took xrays of Bri and wanted to do another set to confirm that the dentist was note seeing somthing she thought she might be seeing! Sounds like trouble to me...especially when you are dealing with my Bri!! Of course it was what she thought she was seeing, Bri has what she called a small tumor in her gum. It is not a tooth, but made of tooth-like stuff. It was not there 6 months ago, but it is there now (of course:).

She is going to have to have it removed, but they hope to hold off for 2 years. She has 4 wisdom teeth that are coming in and they would like to just do it all at one time. They are going to xray it again in a couple of months to check for growth. If it grows they will have to remove it then. Ouch, It sounds like it would hurt. They will have to go in from the side. Bri said I was not being very supportive :)

Poor baby also has some type of birthmark that they were waiting to remove and now is the time :) The year of the knife!!

Tori fell a few days ago doing gymnastics and fell on her head, pushing her chin into her chest. She has been compaining that her chest hurt since then, especially when she breathes. She is having xrays done tomorrow to see if she broke her sternum. From what I understand, they would not do anything for it if it is broke, but she would need to sit out of her meet this weekend.

Then....William's brother called and his grandmother has fallen and will be having surgery tomorrow night on her leg/hip. She is in her 80's and has been in great health. So she is in the hospital :( We are going to make our plans for heading down there after we figure out how Tori is.

Gotta love real life!!!


Heather said...

Thinking about you guys! Hope everything turns out okay...

Kim said...

Wow! Your poor family really does have some interesting medical stuff going on a lot. Hang in there!

Stephanie said...

Man, I'm sorry Kristi! I will be thinking about and praying for you and your family!

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