Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Maxi Mobile (the only car with Wings!!)

Okay, maybe if I put my Christmas tree back up and pretend it is still December I can find the slower pace of Christmas??? Naw, I don't think so either!

It's been crazy here, as usual, but I wanted to say hello and share a story :)

On Wednesday I had to take Bri to her band practice and flute lessons. Since I had a bit of paperwork to do and I had a phone call that I needed to make I decided to just sit in the car for the hour of her lesson. I packed up toys for Kalli and Emi to play with, loaded my papers and we were off!

All was well! The girls were playing in the back-seat, I was in the middle of my phone call. Boy was I a good Planner!

Apparently Emi and Kalli decided that they would clean out from under the seats of the car (very scary thought, but hey, if it kept them entertained I was for it!). I am on the phone trying very hard to listen and understand what the lady on the other line was teaching me (it was a sort of training call).

Now we are parked in the middle of a parking lot at a strip mall type place where Bri is at. There are people walking by constantly, especially teens.

I happen to look back at Emi and Kalli and nearly have a heart attack! It seems as if while cleaning under the seats, Kalli found a feminine personal product (must have fallen out of a purse). She had unwrapped it, took the sticky strip off and stuck it to the window of the car! It must have been there a while because she had gone on to play with something else.

I nearly died! While trying to stay mature on the phone, I was also climbing over the seats to get to the "window dressing" and get it off. Kalli became upset that I would dare remove her artwork, I am trying to maintain the phone conversation. My main thought was that I had better get that off before Bri walked out with her friends!

Can you even imagine the horror!! She probably would have walked right by the car and denied her family!!

Anyway, after the fact, I thought it was pretty funny!!


Kim said...

Love that story! Bri would have died. Good save.

Stephanie said...

Too funny! I love the title of this post! :)

Roger Cook said...

Just remember--it can always be worse. "Mommy, why do you have a popgun?"

owldog90 said...

I alos love the title. Jonathan was 4 and found the same thing and I walkied in the bathrrom and he had them stuck everywhere. I calmly said "those are for girls only" He says "Girls get all the good stuff"

I just thought if he only knew.

Heather said...

Too funny!!

The Texas Trio said...

Fun stuff to look forward to with the little ones! I can't wait!

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