Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Head Banger...

Ever feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall, over and over again? Wondering why you don't just stop since it hurts so much, but you just can't seem to stop. I feel like that lately. I'm not sure why or what is going on, but I am banging my head, it hurts, and I can't stop. If you think this sounds crazy, I agree, but you might want to skip this posting :)

I feel like things are spiraling and I can't catch my breath. Maybe this is part of going off of Diet Coke? I don't know.

There is so much in my life that I see needs improved, so many areas that need attended to. I just can't find the time or the umph to do it. So many areas of my life seem to be in catch 22 mode! I can't do one thing because I am waiting to do something else and on and on.

I have made a commitment to God to meet with Him each morning, but I feel that I am not contributing much there either. I know He waits to be with me. I know that He will help me.

Isn't it a good thing God gave me a head and a heart. There are so many times in life that I have to let my heart lead me to do something. So many times that the Spirit moves me in directions that my head screams are not logical!! Now, when my heart is weak and muted, my head can remember all of the times He has held me and been there. Even times I tried to push Him out of.

Yes, I am so thankful for God's provisions and His forethought because right now I feel like my heart crying and no one hears.


Carol said...

When we don't think anyone is listening, remember He is listening. He is directing you even when you feel like you have no direction.

I can let you borrow my helmet if you like. It's alittle dented from all my head banging, but your welcome to borrow it awhile!


Kim said...

I felt that way for months before real depression set in. Please call if you want to talk with someone.
Love you

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