Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day Two!!!

What I struggled with: A couple of things have been on my mind today. First is that I don't want anyone to think that I honestly compare our little exercise to the millions that are starving and suffering. I just want our family to be thoughtful of those in circumstances other than ours. I also want us to look at simplifying our lives so we are more able to focus on what is important.

Second thing is how much I am already trying to justify cheating. I would think, just one quick stop or one little thing really is okay. Luckily I have Brianna to keep me on the straight and narrow.

What my family thought: Well, it hit the girls a bit more today. Tori wanted to buy a tshirt at her meet today. She accepted what we had all decided, but I think it was hard for her. Brianna helped me shop and cook today. When we do our biweekly grocery shopping, we usually stop at Starbucks first and we had to skip that. They are still really excited though. I think it is one of those things where you want to help, but don't know how. They feel like they are helping in some way.

What I have learned: Today I have learned about living and planning for not just today, but down the road. William and I talked about how when you strip away our conveniences, we are forced to stop and look at where we are and where we want to go. I think too often we just go down the road until it dead ends, never really knowing where we are at. Brianna and I talked about what need money fills for our society. She thought that it was a need for control. I can definitely see that.

New Category.....What I want to learn: I want to experience stillness. I want to be able to hear His still, small voice. That is hard to do amid such chaos.


Unknown said...

these last 3 posts about 30 days are great- keep them coming. this is a great journaling exercise so you will always be able to look back on the experience, and I am glad I am getting to share it vicariously!

Roger Cook said...

I am enjoying your postings. In some ways I can relate to the simple things. Now that Chris is home we are eating at home a lot more and not doing all the running. I hadn't realized how long it had been since we didn't go out every other night. Hang in there.
(By the way this is Stormy, logged in as my darling husband)

Kristi said...

I am glad to know that I have cyber support! I do think the journaling is going to be nice to look back at for all of us.

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