Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Muted Excitement!

Tomorrow is the big day...we leave for our cruise. Just William and I, no kiddos. I have been looking forward to this day for several months now and now it is all I can do to pack and force myself to go.

I know we will have fun. I know it is good to get away as husband and wife sometimes. I know that my girls are going to have a blast with grandparents and uncle Jeff. I know that we will all be better for having this experience. If I know so much, then how come my heart is breaking at the thought of not seeing my four babies for five days?

It just hit me this afternoon that I would get no Kalli cuddles, no being able to hear Emi squeal, no kisses from Tori and no precious teenaged eye rolling from Brianna. How will I survive??

I will get cuddles with my awesome husband, fancy dinners where I get to dress up, riding through the jungle in a jeep and a few hours scuba diving.

I am so excited to have the blessed time to spend with just William and I, but oh how I am going to miss my four babies!

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