Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Almost Funny

Honestly, if it were not for the fact that this is affecting my kids, this would be funny! Brianna is still bleeding from her ear and feeling really yucky. At this point I don't know if she is feeling yucky because of the ear or if she might possibly have mono. I do know that her ear still hurts as well as her jaw and gums. Her fever is staying down this morning. They wanted to test for mono if she still felt bad today, but frankly, since they can't do anything for it, I want to wait until next week to make sure that she is not feeling bad due to her ear.

She is really upset because she had to miss her chemistry and geometry class today and she is worried about getting caught up. My thought is that we will work that out when we get there!

Now on to the almost funny part...Tori has been throwing up all morning!! Poor baby! She was so upset that she was sick, not for herself, but she said that she did not want to worry her daddy and I anymore than we already were over Bri. She is such a precious soul! So now I have my two biggest babies snuggled up in my room. Bri with a cloth to wipe the blood from her ear and Tori with a dishpan to catch her puke!!

Please pray my babies to feel better! I am so thankful for their health and I know that these little illnesses are just a part of childhood, but I hate to see them feel bad. I can't imagine the pain of some Mommy's that have to watch their children go through procedure after painful procedure for illnesses that should not be part of a child's life! Please pray for them as well.

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