Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

More Prayer Please :)

Bri is not doing as good this afternoon :( Her ear is hurting a lot as well as her jaw and gums. We called the doctor and they want to give her antibiotic until Saturday to work. She is trying to get rid of the whatever is making her sick, but seems to be at a stalemate. They don't want to switch it yet because they said it could make the bacteria stronger. If she gets worse, she goes in and gets something changed, if she stays the same she goes in on Saturday to check it. They did order her some stronger pain medication hoping that would help her sleep better which would in turn help her get better.

Right now she is in bed and in a lot of pain. She can't lie still and her fever is starting to go back up. Please remember her tonight.

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