Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ears, Throats and Such :)

Thank you all for the prayers for Brianna! We went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and found out that she has....a perferated eardrum (she thinks)! She said that there was too much puss and blood to actually see the eardrum, but she is pretty sure that is what it is. So she is on a couple of ear drop meds and an oral antibiotic.

The doctor was more concerned about her throat though. Apparently Bri has white blisters on her throat, much like strep throat, but the doctor seems to think she may have mono. You know Bri and her boy kissing habit :) They did a strep test and that was negative, but they are sending it off for the longer test. Hopefully it won't be mono, as the doctor says you are usually out for a few weeks. From what I understand of what she said, with mono your spleen enlarges so you can't play sports for a while. So no tennis, which would really be a bummer for her as she has really enjoyed taking lessons.

I am praying that it is just a virus and she feels much better today! The doctor said no tennis today, even if she feels better, but she could go to church tonight if all is well. Hopefully everyone will see her there tonight!

Her ear is still bleeding, but not as much, it just hurts quite a bit. If you could pray that she feels much better today and that her ear will stop hurting, I would appreciate it!!

I came across this awesome verse in Micah this morning that I want to share with you later!! So check back soon :)

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