Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rough Night

Bri had a pretty rough night last night. She was up for a few hours in the middle of the night in tears because her ear, jar and gums hurt so bad. I did all of the typical mommy stuff while William prayed and prayed over her. This morning she seems to feel a bit better. We are trying to decide if she feels better enough that we do not have to call the doctor. She is up walking around and trying to do some normal things to see if the pain is going to come pack. I worry a bit that her face is hurting so bad. It makes me wonder if the infection has spread to her jaw. Last night her fever went back up, but the morning remains normal, so that is really good! Her ear is still bleeding, but not as much as yesterday, though it is more bloody (less other stuff).

So we are playing the wait and see game this morning! Thank you all so much for inquiring about her and praying for her! Her throat is much, much better, so that must have just been some type of virus or something.

Thanks guys!!!

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