Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I Am Blessed!

What a day! William is out of town helping my mom move. I forgot to bring Kalli's shoes for church so she wore some other shoes, they are just 3 sizes too big. I am dropping everything I touch. I am so behind on everything!! I thought I lost a $75 cd for CareKids. Emaleigh dropped her full plate of spaghetti onto the clean dishes in the dish washer. I don't have time today to buy groceries, clean the house or paint my toe nails (boy do they need it!). It seems lately that something is going wrong every day, between sick kids, cars not starting, my making people mad and forgetting/losing things!

Amid all of this chaos, I am choosing to stop and say...boy, am I blessed! I have a wonderful helpmate that will return sometime today! I am blessed with four children to run around and help cause my chaos. Big blessing here....I have a dishwasher! I have food, housing, transportation, friends and a church. My children, despite a childhood crisis every now and then are healthy.

There is a mom out there that would give anything to clean up her child's spilled spaghetti. There are people out there who pray to just have the money to buy the groceries or a living space to clean. Let's say I had lost the $75 cd, no one would shoot me or kick me out of church. I would have saved up and bought another one, Jami would probably still have liked me!

Yes there are times, days, weeks and months where everything in my life seems to come unravelled, but it sure is better than the alternative. Sometimes we need a little shake up in our life to help us appreciate the times when life is still. Sometimes we need a little chaos to appreciate the peace. Sometimes we need to shout out our questions, so we can hear His answer.

God, why me??!! Because I am blessed.

**Update on Bri: She is feeling much better! She is still having pain in her side, but they said that they would hold off a few days and see if it gets any better. I am hoping that since her body is getting over the bacterial infection that she had, it will better be able to fight off whatever is causing the pain. She went to her ROCK group tonight at church!!

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