Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Quick update...again!! :)

Bri has felt much worse again today so we went to the doctors office. Good news is the mono test was negative and everything blood wise looked good. Bad news is they still don't know what it wrong. I have been feeling pretty frustrated today. I hate going to the doctor so much and especially not knowing what is wrong. I feel like a bad mom. I struggle with thinking I should push her more to get up, but when I do, she gets worse. My awesome doctor made me feel much better!

Here is where we are at..the ear looked better, still infected, but better. Since she has only been on the antibiotic 4 days they don't know whether it worked and is now failing again, thus she feels worse, or it is slowly working. We decided to wait and look again tomorrow. As far as the fatigue and abdominal pain, she wanted her to go to Children's and have a CT scan and other tests to figure it out. We discussed it with her and chose to wait until tomorrow and re-evaluate. It could be another virus that is related to the mono virus. If tomorrow she is worse then I think that is what they are going to do. I hate for her to have that, especially since she is terrified now of needles.

Please pray with me tonight that she will feel better tomorrow. I will update tomorrow.

PS: Kalli is vomiting out of her nose..YUCK!

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