Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Several people have asked about Brianna so I thought I would let you know. She is still the same. She tried really hard yesterday to get up and do some of her normal morning routine, but it did not work. She ended up over doing it and had a bad day. Her ear, head and jaw don't seem to be responding yet to the new medicine, but I pray that they will soon. She still has no energy. She is trying really hard to muster some up, but she just can't.

The doctor did not call yesterday, so I see that as good news. From what I understand the tests for Leukemia and other blood diseases would have come back yesterday, the rest come back today. They said they would call no matter what because if this all comes back okay, they will need to check other things. As a mom, the thing that kept popping into my head was worrying about Leukemia, so I am relieved. I will call tomorrow if I have not heard anything.

Please continue to pray that she will feel better. She decided yesterday instead of being upset about all of the time in bed and discouraged, that she was going to use it to pray and think. So she is maintaining a good attitude, though she is upset about all of the youth group stuff she is missing at church.

Our car is back and working! My dad was able to put in a new ignition switch and it started right up! Praise the Lord!! We have seen so many awesome blessings in our lives lately, God is so good!

Have a wonderful day today!!

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