Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Leg and Birth Story #4

Wow, those so do not go together!! I made it through the day, thanks for the prayers! It hurts on the upside of a step, you know when you put most of the pressure on the balls of your foot. I guess somehow I pulled a muscle, can talking too much do that? Oh, I know, it was yesterday when I inserted my foot into my mouth! :) I think I will give it a couple of days to see if I can get around any better and then I will have to go to the doctor. Hopefully tomorrow it will feel better!

Okay, this is my final birth story! Here goes....

We were done after three! Yup, I again gave away all of my baby stuff. Emi was three and life was getting really easy! We could sleep late again and go out to eat like normal people, all was good! Now, not getting into details but we were VERY careful to not get pregnant again. It was not in our plan (I know, I know!! God always loves a good laugh when I have a plan!)

I was up one morning having my Bible study and for some reason I opened and read a random (again, big laugh) verse... Children are a blessing from the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward." Psalms 127:3. I knew in my heart that God was telling me I was pregnant. I called William at work in tears. He said I was imagining it and it was nearly impossible. "Don't worry!" he said.

About three weeks later he woke me up at 1am with a pregnancy test and asked me to take it. I did, I was...plan interupted! What I about to say may sound bad, but please understand I am talking about a plan and a pregnancy, not the child. I was devestated. I cried all night. I had just lost 55 pounds and had been working so hard to lose weight, I felt my life was so good and I thought this would mess it up. Again, hear me saying a pregnancy...I am sooo not talking about the child. Also hear my selfishness!

I hate reading this as it sound horrible. But I think it is very important to share. At this time in my life, God was showing me that even if I have a very good plan, it still needs to be only His plan. About two months before I found out I was pregnant, I was asked to help with something in the women's ministry at our church and I REALLY wanted to do it. I more or less said yes, but the lady who asked suggested I pray over it. I did, but I went into it thinking it was what God wanted. The more I prayed, the more He said not a good idea. Finally He showed me a verse and I was certain of His will and I declined doing it. It is one of the only times in my life I have said no and I really wanted to do it. I could not see why that would be a bad idea!

Two months later, during what would have been the beginning of the volunteer job, I found out I was pregnant. Like I said, it was not my plan and I spent many weeks pouting and whining about it (sooo selfish)!! Then my life came to a screech...literally!

One morning as the girls and I were leaving the gym and were driving home a lady made a left hand turn in front of me. It happened so fast that there was no way to even slow down and I hit her going 40mph. She flipped twice and ended up on top of another car that was waiting to pull out of a parking lot. I don't remember anything about the impact. I just looked up and the underside of her car was sitting on my front windshield and liquid was going everywhere. I immediately thought that the car was going to catch on fire, yelled for Bri to unbuckle Emaleigh, I grabbed her and carried her to the side of the road, ran back and grabbed Bri and Tori. I got them settled under the tree on the side of the road, looked up and saw the lady in the car I hit hanging upside down in her SUV, then I lost it. I very kind lady had stopped and calmed me down while another lady sat with the girls. Then the sirens started coming and coming. That nice lady called William and he was on his way. Then I thought...I am pregnant, what about my baby.

This is where in my mind this "event" changed from an interuption to my plan, into a blessing of a child from God. Another note to add to this story is that about 3 days before I was driving somewhere and it was laid on my heart that I needed to switch Emi back into a carseat and out of a booster seat. This feeling was very strong and I prayed on the trip that God would keep us safe and that I would change it when we got home. I did.

Our seatbelts saved our lives. Emaleigh's carseat left her with no physical sign of the accident. I felt nothing. No neck pain, nothing. Brianna had some abdominal issues from wearing the lap belt only and Tori had burns from her seat belt, but we were all okay. Not just a little okay, but very okay, so was the lady in the other car. She was cut up and bruised, but okay. We were blessed, God had a plan. He prepared us for this even when I did not know.

There is so much more to this birth story, but if I keep on it will be so long you won't want to read it! You will never believe what happened one week following our accident....

1 comment:

Heather said...

I can't wait for the rest!! (remember I am not a patient person right now, haha)

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