Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Kalli swallowed a piece of a toothpick today, or we are pretty sure that is what she swallowed! She was mildly choking, she could breath, but you could tell that something was in there. We tried to figure out what it was, found out and called the doctor who wanted us to go to the ER. We decided to try CareNow as I know they can take Xrays there.

Apparently there is a risk when you swallow a toothpick that it can puncture something. They took Xrays and talked to a doctor at Children's who wanted her to go there for a scopey thing. The doctor from Care Now, someone from my church by the way (how cool was that!), wanted to contact a specialist to make sure before she sent us to do something so invasive (good thing cause there was no way I was going to do that without some symptoms or a really good explanation to help me understand, especially after all Bri went through a couple of years ago!). We talked to the specialist, he explained things to us very well and said he was comfortable with us just watching her at home for symptoms of a puncture to develop and to go on poop patrol to watch for the little booger to come out!! She has to go in in two days for another Xray to check again on the progress of the toothpick!! So we are to keep a close watch on her today and!! By the way, the toothpicks were for an art project we did yesterday making sculptures with marshmallows and toothpicks. Did not think about choking on it!!

Anyways, we had to miss REVOLVE tonight which I am really bummed about! Have a good night!!


Heather said...

Another exciting event!! Hope Kalli is doing okay!

Stephanie said...

Hope she is doing ok today. Who was the doctor at CareNow from RE?

Unknown said...

How is she doing today? You are in my thoughts and prayers

Lynn Leaming said...

I am sure sometimes you must wish that there could just be some normalcy for a while?? Ya'll sure seem to go through it. Hope Kalli is doing okay.

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