Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Anniversary and Fried Chicken...Human

Okay, I had planned on writing a sweet romantic post about my wonderful husband tonight to celebrate our 14th anniversary! Well, it is still our anniversary and he is still sweet and all, but OH MY GOODNESS, I must tell you what happened today!!

First I must share a dirty little secret...I get those nasty little hairs that grow on my face. I hate it. Big pain in the neck :) I decided a few weeks ago, after doing what I thought was good research, that I was going to have laser hair removal. I went to the consultation, liked the clinic, paid, and showed up today ready to be beautified!! Well, a couple of hours before the appointment, I thought, "hey, this might hurt a bit. What if they burn and disfigure my face."

Let me tell you, that is not a good way to start an appointment! I called and asked if maybe they could zap my hand before my face so I could see what it would feel like, no problem! Well, when I got there they told me that it would not be a good idea because the hand and face are so different and the face would hurt worse than the hand.

Okay, now I am about to throw up I am so nervous and thinking I must be crazy. I go in and lay down on the chairy deal. Then they decide to tell me that I have to wear these metal goggles. No problem...except for the fact that I can see nothing with them on!! I nearly had a panic attack. I suggested maybe I should reschedule. But no...then we began.

The first zap I thought it felt cold. The second zap I thought it was a weird cold because I thought I smelled something burning. Third zap I figured out it was me burning!! Total freak out now!! The smell was horrible as I slowly realized my hair was burning away.

I asked the girl to hold up a minute as I was really thinking twice about this. I suggested getting the numbing cream and coming back at a later date. We decided to go on.

The last zap I thought maybe my face was on fire! I did feel her pat it so I am not entirely convinced that it was not! I let her know that I was done for the day. I wanted to try the cream in a week or two.

I came home and cried all afternoon. This is not a cheap thing to have done and I did not want to lose the money, but I was/am really scared to have it done. I want to do it, I think I will be very happy with it, but I am terrified!!

After talking to William and the clinic again, I have decided to try it again next week and use the numbing cream. William is going to go with me as well since I think a lot of my problem is just my nerves.

So..if anyone is interested in sticking your face in a metal torture device that allows you to see nothing while a nice lady sticks fire rods in your hair follicles, let me know. We can make a date of it :)


Lynn Leaming said...

For several years I used a creme (Sally Hansen I think) and it worked well but kind of smelled. Then I found one of those little hair remover razors at the drug store and it works great. I only have to use it about once every six weeks. I was afraid it might cause the hair to grow back thicker, but it doesn't. I have been using one for about two years now and it works great. Based on your experience, I think I will just stick to it.

Heather said...

Happy Anniversary!!

I have a friend who did the laser hair removal who LOVES it now that she is finished...I think she was a "little uncomfortable" at her first visit a well but she said it got easier once she knew what to expect. So sweet of your hubby to go with you!

Kim said...

The sacrifices we make for appearance. I have those little hairs too. I think I'll pluck the chicken instead of frying it ;-)

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