Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Magic of Christmas

Well folks, the end is near. Tonight after watching Polar Express, Emaleigh asked me if Santa really came down the chimney. I went through my standard come-back of asking her if she really wants to know and she said "No, I already know. He does not because there is no such thing as magic, except that magic God puts in our hearts. God is the only one that could come down our chimney if He wanted to." Good answer! She then asked if Santa was real and we told her to sleep on it and ask again in the morning if she really wanted to know (at this point I detected a stalling of bedtime).

Though the magic of Santa may be leaving another one of my babies lives, there is plenty of magic to be found. It is the magic that Emaleigh spoke of that God puts on our hearts. It is the gifts He has given us.

The magical look in a child's face as they watch a Christmas movie.

The fact that children like to snuggle more this time of year!

The excitement of office Christmas parties!!

The way a child looks lying in bed snuggled up in warm pj's as you add yet another quilt over them.

The way hot chocolate tastes on the first, warm sip!

The way that Christmas lights reflect on the walls and windows!

The anticipation!

The appreciation!

The example of a loving parent who asked His royal son to step off of His throne and leave His servants to go among the "commoners" and become a servant.

The example of obedience by that Son.

The gift that came from that sacrifice.

The simplicity of accepting the gift.

Yep, Emi is right, the only magic comes from Him and it is way better than Santa!!


Lynn Leaming said...

Missed Tori in class this morning.
Glad you had a good weekend.

Kim said...

I loved this post. The Santa magic is leaving our house too...very quickly. But you are right! There is still plenty of magic to thrill us.

Stephanie said...

What a great post!

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