Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Rant!!

In order to allow myself to breath easier, I need to vent and rant!! Feel free to bypass my post today if you don't want to listen to my whining :)

In case you have not figured it out, I homeschool my girls.

Now, let me tell you what that means for us. They get up by 6:30a.m. and both work on Latin. This is followed by breakfast, chores and then we have all of our other subjects until around 3:30pm. On days we have gymnastics, band or tennis, we go a little later. I am not one who thinks homeschooling is for everyone, nor do I have any ill feelings towards public school.

Brianna went to public school for a semester in 2nd grade and had the most outstanding teacher. The school encouraged parental involvement and was just an awesome school!! I adored having so many people interested in my kids and trying to help them learn. We stopped not because of any lacking on the school's part. We loved the friends that all of us made through her time in school. William and I both stayed on the board for the PTA 2 years after pulling them out of school. Public school was a very positive experience for us!!

In fact, our time there is what helped us to know that we were making the right choice. We were not running away from anything. We had a great school, the girls fit in great, there were awesome teachers, the principle was incredible!! It is just what is right for us.

It is by no means right for everyone and every child. There are days that I think I am either crazy or stupid for doing it!! Every summer I spend hours and hours reading literature to update myself on the latest methods in teaching. I have researched countless hours on how to teach grammar through reading and writing. I have researched standardized tests. Is the SAT better or the ITBS tests?? I spend lots of time and money to make sure the girls have access to some of the things that I can't offer them, sports, chemistry!!

I take none of this lightly and am at times overwhelmed by the responsibility that we have chosen to take on. I also do not take lightly the things that I know they will miss out on...great teachers!! I read some of your blogs that are teachers and I am sad that the girls will not have many great teachers in school to influence their lives. I have tried to give them other teachers than myself to help with that, but I realize they are missing that.

I know that they do not interact with as many people that come from different backgrounds. Most of the kids they are around are middle class, Christian kids (public and homeschooled). I know they will have to deal with mean people in their lives, but if you think there are not mean kids at churches and that homeschool, you are wrong!!

My point is, we are doing what is right for us. Just us! I never try or intend to push homeschooling on people and I will never look down on all of the other outstanding choices.

I take this seriously and there is no way I would ever put my children in a situation just to get away from something!! Anyone who thinks so just does not know me or my children.

AAAahhhh, I feel better now!! Thanks :)


Amberly said...

Good for you! It is evident in your wonderful girls that you have made the best decision for your family! I applaud you!

Unknown said...

You go girl! I admire you in your homeschooling. I also have days that I question why, then I remember that we prayed long and hard before making the decision. It is one of the best we have ever made.

Hang in there!

Lynn Leaming said...

As an outsider looking in this is what I can say about homeschooling. Some do it very well and others are really doing their children a disservice. Let me speak to the later first. I sit in Bible class with children who are very socially immature but what bothers me most is when they cannot read on level or even close. When I hear them say "oh we didn't do school today because my mom slept in, or this or that"
You are the premier example of what it looks like when it is done right!! Your girls reflect all of your hard work. Even though Tori has a learning disability she reads better than most in her Sunday morning class. So I indeed think you have made the right decision and your girls are being blessed. I also appreciate how you consciously have them involved in things that do require them coping in social situations. Besides it would be a shame for that bright light that exudes from their hearts not to be seen by others who need to see it. So, not sure why you felt you needed to defend your position on your blog but pray it isn't because anyone said something hurtful. You and William can stand in confidence that your fruit bears out the fact that God is blessing your decision!
Just catching up on 2 weeks of blog reading tonight. Happy belated birthday Bri!!!

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