Kristi's Krazy Korner!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Choose Joy!!

This weekend I was blessed to have the opportunity to attend a conference for mother's. What a great thing it was to experience hour after hour of encouragement and focus from other mom's!! I took so much away from this time that I can't even attempt to blog about it all.

What I do want to blog about though is choosing joy. When you look around, you see so much that God gave us to bring us joy! What a mighty God we serve that would take the time to be so considerate!! There is beauty all around us if we choose to see it!!

From the minute that I left the conference the attack has been on! From extreme car sickness on the way home to a flooded kitchen, to no water for the kitchen sink, to having serious breakdowns from the girls I feel it has been non-stop. Brianna's rash is back and bright! I cut through a plug that was plugged in behind my bed and nearly started a fire! All of this in less than 48 hours.

There is a difference! Praise God!! I know He is working in my heart when I am able to have these things happen and never raise my voice. Iknow He is working when I am able to let my pride subside for a while and allow people to see my house as less than perfect because my children need me.

I have prayed and prayed for a change in my heart. I have studied, read, prayed, discussed and longed for a new heart. I am not there yet, I am still a selfish, prideful, controlling human, but my heart is changing!!!

I see it now! I see what my focus is. I see where I need to head. Praise God I have found the hand to hold!!

It is so easy to get caught up in doing "good" things, especially things we think are good for our children. Academics are good, church is good, friends are good, but none of these things are God. My stress, my worries, my control, my judgement are all due to a lack of focus!!

Today I choose joy! Today I choose faith! Today I choose God, He has already chosen me!!


owldog90 said...

Thank you for the great reminder

Lynn Leaming said...

Glad you had a good retreat. May you see the rewards God has in store for you as you choose joy!

owldog1 said...

On thw way home tonight I heard a friend praise you for taking care of her 2 year old while new born having surgery on KLTY. you are always so sweet.

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